
Legal Risks and Downsides of Sharing an Apartment or House With Roommates You might be liable to your landlord for your roommate's mess-ups. Take some steps now to protect yourself.

Renting a House or Apartment With Roommates One cotenant's negative behavior—not paying the rent, for example—can affect everyone's tenancy.

Roommate Agreements Make sure all roommates know their rights and responsibilities by drafting a roommate agreement.

Adding a Roommate to the Lease or Rental Agreement Tips and advice on how to responsibly and smoothly take on a roommate.

Sample Letter to Landlord: Permission to Add a Roommate Get your landlord’s written okay before moving in a new roommate

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Roommate Disputes

Roommate Disputes

Sue Your Roommate for Unpaid Rent Learn the basics of suing your roommate in small claims court for unpaid rent

How to Evict a Roommate Not on the Lease How to get an unauthorized tenant, including a boyfriend, girlfriend, or other roommate, to move out of your rental unit.

When Roommates Move Out

When Roommates Move Out

When a Roommate Moves Out How do you protect your rights and interests when your roommate moves out before your lease or rental agreement has ended?

When a Roommate Wants to Leave Early A roommate's decision to leave early can have serious consequences for the cotenants left behind.

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