The simple form on this page can be used to report concerns regarding Amazon’s operations at the 32 New Lane site, known within Amazon as ‘DPO1’. Once completed, the information submitted will be sent directly to an Amazon support desk and routed on to the relevant staff for resolution*. A copy of the information will also be sent to a community representative on the Amazon Community Liaison Panel who will log the details for review at its next meeting.
The comments raised and responses received will be published to enable the community to view the effectiveness of the measures put in place by the Local Authority and Amazon. Names and personal email addresses will not be made public on the report.
Note: Please do not use this form to raise comments on historical planning applications. If you believe that Amazon may be contravening the conditions documented in the planning approval for 32 New Lane, please take this link to contact Havant Borough Council Planning Enforcement services directly.
Please complete the fields below and press the red ‘Submit’ button to send your report.
Once you’ve submitted the form, if you have photographs or dashcam footage that support your complaint, please press the button below to open a pre-addressed email, to which you can attach the files and send as usual.
We’ll match the files to the complaint you’ve submitted as appropriate.
If you’d like to add your details to the Amazon Action mailing list, please take this link and fill in the simple form . We’ll do the rest.
The name and email address that you include in this form constitute ‘personal data’ under the terms of the UK Data Protection Act 2018. The content of the form will be sent in an email with a date/time signature to both Amazon UK Services and Havant Civic Society and will be held and processed under the terms set out in the appropriate data privacy policies:
As of February 16 2024, Amazon have still not confirmed the single point of contact email address or their process for handling complaints. As soon as that is available, this form will be updated. Until then, HCS will continue to log complaints and will report them directly to Amazon via the DPO1 Community Liaison Panel.